Education Program

The Education group provides services to refugee adults, youth and children.  In addition to the mentoring, youth group, children’s group activities and ESL described below, we engage in the following activities: 

  • Organize weekly in-person or remote educational programming for children of all ages.   

  • Advocate for the children and work collaboratively with the parents and the Worcester Public Schools to ensure extra help when needed.  

  • Partner with area colleges and universities to tutor and provide just in time homework help to children in Math, Science and Language arts.  

  • Assist our youth with college applications  

  • Disburse annual scholarships to graduating seniors

  • Collaborate with other area not-for-profit organizations on summer enrichment programs


Millie Rao,

Pictured is Education Group Coordinator Millie Rao, and participant Su Reh, working with cartoons to teach vocabulary (2021).


Adult Group


Mentoring Program