Mission Statement/Purpose
WRAP is a network of individuals committed to assisting refugees and resettled migrants achieve sustainable self-reliance through mentoring, advocacy, and educational assistance. We are an independent non-profit organization that works collaboratively to complement and augment the efforts of other organizations and individuals assisting refugees and resettled migrants in Worcester.
What we are doing currently
WRAP serves refugees living in Worcester in several different capacities through education and mentoring programs, focusing mainly on the Burmese refugees and the newly arrived Afghan refugees at this time. In addition, WRAP collaborates with other local organizations on an ad hoc basis to meet the growing needs of refugees. For more information on how we are working to support the refugee community in Worcester, check out our programs page. To learn more about how WRAP collaborates with other organizations in Worcester, take a look at the Worcester Together initiative.
In response to the Burmese refugee resettlement in Worcester, Meredith Walsh, MPH, RN, and a group of volunteers came together to create the 501c(3) nonprofit organization, the Worcester Refugee Assistance Project. Through word of mouth, Meredith Walsh, learned about a group of volunteers who were informally offering services to the local population of Burmese refugees, and connected with them in order to found the refugee assistance project to support Burmese refugees in their transition to their new lives in Worcester.
After receiving the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship in 2010, Walsh began a youth development project for Burmese refugees ages 15-24 to help aid them with schoolwork, employment and higher education. The Youth Program continues to be coordinated through UMass medical students. The success of the Youth Group has led to age- and need- specific programming targeted to support refugees in Worcester, among them, the Children’s Education Group and Adult Group.
Initially founded to support the Burmese refugee community, WRAP has expanded its mission to more broadly provide support to all newly resettled refugees - Afghan refugees in particular. WRAP is primarily made up by volunteers from local schools and universities, religious congregations, and the UMass Medical School.